Daily Lesson -Life University

I tried to get my Schengen visa for my trip to Italy and the fact that I live far away from the city – 90 km – in a restricted compound- that makes commuting in and out of the compound is an issue.

I was being stubborn when my friend told me that the bank statement is valid for 2 weeks. She said she was told by the government affair man who advised us earlier about the document we need. There was some discrepancy between the information I received from him (based on univ. government affair office) and from the VFS official website. So, I asked for a second opinion from my friend who had done many Schengen visas and she said even from her understanding it’s valid only for 3 days. Hmmm… so I searched online and found that it’s valid for 3 months. My bank statement was over 14 days and less than 3 months.

To save some money in mind, I hired a driver instead of a taxi so that if I need anything on the way I could ask him to drop me in. Unlike a taxi, it will cost me 50 SAR to add on an extra drop point.

Since in the morning, I already felt uneasy about the day. Halfway to work, I realized I forgot my abaya, so I had to drive back home. It was an assembly for my students early in the morning, swapped around the schedule so the sub-teacher will have an easier schedule to cover my class. I started to go at 10:05. Again, checking my documents and still felt I missed something but I didn’t know what it is. I thought to myself, maybe because I feel nervous.

I reached the VFS Global office at 11:15. It’s 30 minutes before my appointment time. Got in the office with a regular security check as if at the airport, body scan. I sat waiting for my number to be displayed on the monitor that will tell me which table I will need to proceed. I sat near the Italy visa’s desks. Suddenly… Boom!! I felt like I just awoke and realize: I DONT BRING MY DAMN PASSPORT! Aaaaarghhhh!! I was stunned! I swore for being careless and disorganised… That had to be the first thing I need to go. Anyway, I took a deep breathe and think about what should I do? First thing first!

I accepted that the situation is happening. It is what it is. I made mistake and I know it will cost me. Next, ask the possibility if I could return back with my passport and still had the appointment on the day. So I didn’t wait for my number and asked someone at the Italy desk about my issue. Alhamdulillaah… The staff was very understanding. He calmed me down and said he would check my documents if they are good to go and he would hold the appointment until 2:30 pm while I’m trying to get my passport as I need about 2,5 – 3 hours to go back and forth. He asked me to wait until my number being called. So I waited. In a couple of seconds, I got called, but by another agent. I told the staff, the same thing. She was about to reject me saying that she couldn’t proceed with my application without my passport. I told her I came from Thuwal and the other staff told me that he will wait until 2:30 and I just need to get my docs checked if they all good. So, she agreed to give me time until 3 pm. However, she frowned when saw my bank statement. She said she cannot proceed it because it’s expired yesterday. I was like… Laa hawla walla kuwwata illa bilaah. Please God helps me out. Then she said: hmm… Khalas! I stapler all this together which means your docs are clear. You can come again before 3 pm with your passport. Take a number again from the reception just like from the beginning. I smiled: Shukran! I really appreciate it!

I reached back to VFS Global office at 1:30 pm. The bank statement bit still circling in my head and hoping that this won’t be another issue. I got in the waiting room again waited for my turn. When it’s my turn, I got to go to another staff so I gave her my docs and said that they had already been checked earlier and told her about my issue. She ran through each one again and stopped at the bank statement and gave a puzzled look. “Did she say anything about this?” I said: “She told me that it’s expired yesterday and then she said -khalas-.” Oh God… Laa haula walla kuwwata illa billaah. She went to ask her supervisor and came back saying I cannot use the bank statement I had and need to renew the printing. I was so down. But then she said I could do online banking and print it at a photocopy center outside the building, no need the bank stamp because I’m a foreigner. Praise to God… Alhamdulillaaah! And so I did.

The third time I entered the security check, I told the security guard: “Hi, it’s me again” and smiled. She smiled back and let me through “khalas! because you said: it’s me again.” 😀

Waiting for 10 minutes, my number got called: ITS 41 ;P yes from initially 21, then 38, to 41. The staff went through my files again. The next was paying the fee and proceed to biometric scan for a fingerprint. By 2:30 pm it’s all done. If all go well, it’s actually a very quick process. The staffs were also very helpful and more professional than Arabs workers in the kingdom I have experienced. Good to know! 🙂

Here is the link of the VFS Global if you need it.

Khalas… Inshaa Allah it will be granted for multiple entries.

Go ahead sum up yourself for the lesson you can take from my experience. 🙂

Some lessons are sometimes you got it in a harder way than another. I’m glad I did it. Especially as a woman in Saudi, by myself! 😀

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