The Healing Wonders of Phyllanthus Uranaria (Meniran Merah) and Phyllanthus Niruri (Meniran Hijau): Hidden Health Heroes

Greetings, everyone!

In the world of herbal remedies, there are often unassuming plants that hold remarkable healing properties. Two such hidden gems are Phyllanthus Uranaria and Phyllanthus Niruri. While they might not be on everyone’s radar, these plants have a wealth of health benefits waiting to be discovered. Today, let’s unveil the secrets of these remarkable herbs and explore creative ways to incorporate them into our daily diets.

Phyllanthus Uranaria (Chanca Piedra):

Native to the Amazon rainforest, Phyllanthus Uranaria, also known as Chanca Piedra and Meniran merah in Indonesian, has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Here are some of its outstanding benefits:

1. Kidney Stone Breaker: Its name “Chanca Piedra” translates to “stone breaker,” and for a good reason. This herb is renowned for its ability to help break down kidney stones and gallstones, making it a valuable ally for those prone to these painful conditions.

2. Liver Support: Phyllanthus Uranaria has liver-protective properties and may help detoxify the liver, promoting its optimal function.

3. Digestive Aid: It aids in soothing digestive discomfort, promoting a healthy gut, and relieving symptoms of indigestion.

Phyllanthus Niruri (Bhumyamlaki):

Phyllanthus Niruri, known as Bhumyamlaki in Ayurveda, is another unassuming herb with a rich therapeutic profile:

1. Liver Health: Like its cousin, Phyllanthus Niruri supports liver health. It’s known to protect the liver from various toxins and help manage liver disorders.

2. Immune Boost: It contains antioxidants and has immune-enhancing properties, which can help the body fight infections and boost overall immunity.

3. Anti-Inflammatory: This herb is an effective natural anti-inflammatory agent, which can aid in reducing inflammation-related issues.

Incorporating Phyllanthus Uranaria and Phyllanthus Niruri into Your Diet:

1. Tea: One of the easiest ways to consume these herbs is by brewing them into a soothing herbal tea. Simply steep a teaspoon of dried Phyllanthus Uranaria or Phyllanthus Niruri leaves in hot water for 10-15 minutes.

2. Tinctures: You can find these herbs in tincture form at health food stores or online. A few drops added to water or juice can provide the benefits without the need for tea preparation.

3. Powders: Powdered forms of these herbs can be added to smoothies, soups, or even sprinkled onto your meals for an extra nutritional boost.

4. Capsules: For those who prefer a convenient option, capsules containing these herbs are readily available as dietary supplements.

5. Salads and Soups: Fresh leaves of Phyllanthus Niruri can be added to salads or used as a garnish for soups and stews. They have a slightly bitter taste that complements many dishes.

**Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new herbs into your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

In the world of natural remedies, it’s often the unassuming plants that hold the greatest potential for healing. Phyllanthus Uranaria and Phyllanthus Niruri are perfect examples of these hidden health heroes. By embracing these herbs and exploring creative ways to incorporate them into your daily diet, you can unlock their remarkable benefits and support your journey to better health. Here’s to the wisdom of nature and the healing power of herbs. Stay well, stay curious, and keep exploring the world of herbal remedies.

With herbal wisdom,


Note: This blog post is for informational purposes and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare provider or herbalist before incorporating new herbs into your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.*

The Unsung Hero of Health: Embracing the Benefits of Fringed Spider Flower -Maman Ungu

Hello health-conscious readers!

Today, I want to introduce you to a culinary gem that often goes unnoticed but holds a treasure trove of health benefits and flavour potential – the Fringed Spider Flower, scientifically known as Cleome Gynandra. While it might not have the glamour of some other garden greens, this humble plant deserves a place on our plates and in our hearts.

The Health Benefits of Fringed Spider Flower:

1. Nutrient-Rich Powerhouse: Fringed Spider Flower is a nutritional powerhouse. It’s rich in vitamins A and C, which are crucial for maintaining healthy skin and a robust immune system. Additionally, it’s a good source of essential minerals like calcium and iron.

2. Antioxidant Boost: This unassuming green is packed with antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants play a vital role in reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting overall well-being.

3. Digestive Aid: Fringed Spider Flower is known for its digestive properties. It contains dietary fibre, which aids in digestion and promotes a healthy gut. Including this green in your diet can help prevent digestive issues.

4. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Research suggests that Fringed Spider Flower possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption may help reduce inflammation in the body, which is linked to various health problems.

5. Blood Sugar Regulation: Some studies have shown that Fringed Spider Flower may help regulate blood sugar levels, making it a potentially beneficial addition to the diet for individuals with diabetes or those looking to manage their sugar intake.

How to Incorporate Fringed Spider Flowers that have a rather bitter taste into Your Diet:

1. Salads: The young leaves of Fringed Spider Flower can be added to salads, bringing a peppery, slightly tangy flavour that adds a delightful twist to your greens.

2. Stir-Fries: Use Fringed Spider Flower as a substitute for spinach or other leafy greens in your stir-fry recipes. It wilts nicely and pairs well with various sauces and seasonings.

3. Smoothies: You can blend Fringed Spider Flower into your morning smoothies. Its mild flavour won’t overpower the other ingredients, but it will provide a nutritional boost.

4. Soups and Stews: Add chopped Fringed Spider Flower leaves to soups and stews for an extra layer of flavour and nutrition.

5. Steamed or Sautéed: Simply steam or sauté Fringed Spider Flower with some garlic and olive oil for a quick and healthy side dish.

A Note of Caution:

As with any plant you intend to consume, it’s essential to ensure that you’re harvesting Fringed Spider Flower from a clean, pesticide-free source. If you’re unsure, it’s best to purchase it from a reputable supplier.

In conclusion, don’t let the unassuming appearance of Fringed Spider Flower fool you. This garden green is a hidden treasure of health benefits waiting to be discovered. By incorporating it into your diet, you not only support your well-being but also embrace the diversity of flavours that nature has to offer.

So, next time you’re browsing the farmer’s market or tending to your garden, keep an eye out for the Fringed Spider Flower. Your taste buds and your health will thank you for it.

Stay healthy, stay curious, and keep exploring the world of nutritious foods.

With greens and goodness,


*Note: This blog post is for informational purposes and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare provider or nutritionist before making significant dietary changes.*

Embracing Change: From Weeds to Wonders in My New Garden Haven

It feels like just yesterday when I embarked on this new adventure of setting up a life in an entirely new place. The anticipation, the excitement, and yes, even the uncertainty – every emotion was woven into the fabric of this journey.

It’s been an incredible journey since I embarked on the adventure of setting up my new life in this new place. The road has been winding, sometimes challenging, but undeniably rewarding. Today, I want to share with you the transformation that has taken place in my life as I’ve embraced the world of gardening, weaving my journey from a garden overrun with weeds to a soon-to-be foodscape that sustains both my body and soul.

When I first stepped into my new home, the garden was a tangled mess of wild growth, a testament to nature’s persistence. Weeds, as they’re commonly referred to, had claimed their territory with vigor. I had it cleaned in the first day I came. But it didn’t need a long time for them to grow back. Only this time… Rather than rush to banish them, I decided to pause and ponder. After all, life has a way of teaching us lessons in the most unexpected ways.

As I delved into the realm of weeds, I wondered if they are edible and have benefits. I remember an app that I used to collect information about plants when I went for a nature field trips with my students. Surprisingly… these so-called nuisances were actually diverse and fascinating plants, each with its own story and purpose. From the vibrant dandelions to the resilient purslane, every species had its unique characteristics and potential benefits. This newfound knowledge sparked a change of heart within me; instead of eradication, I now saw the potential for coexistence and even cooperation.

My journey evolved from mere gardening to a passionate exploration of botany. I dove headfirst into researching the different weed species that had found a home in my garden. Through this process, I uncovered surprising facts about their history, medicinal uses, and even culinary possibilities. Who knew that the humble dandelion could be transformed into a nutritious salad or that purslane was rich in omega-3 fatty acids? (You can read it in my previous post)

Armed with this newfound wisdom, my garden underwent a transformation of its own. What was once a chaotic wilderness now began to take shape as a foodscape garden, where I carefully organized and cultivated various weed species alongside other edible plants. The concept of “weeds” blurred into a tapestry of life, with each thread contributing to the vibrant mosaic of my garden.

The joy of tending to my foodscape garden goes beyond the act of gardening itself. It’s about nurturing my connection to the earth, learning from the resilience of these plants, and fostering a self-sustaining ecosystem that mirrors the rhythms of life. There’s a unique satisfaction in growing food that nourishes not only my body but also my spirit, knowing that I am part of a harmonious cycle of growth and consumption.

This journey has taught me that life’s transformations often mirror the seasons in a garden. Change can be gradual, requiring patience and a keen eye for the beauty hidden within the chaos. As I continue to nurture my foodscape garden, I am reminded that every endeavor, no matter how small, has the potential to bloom into something extraordinary.

So, whether you’re an experienced gardener or someone just beginning to explore the wonders of planting, I encourage you to observe, learn, and embrace the unexpected. Who knows what treasures might be hiding beneath the surface, waiting for your touch to bring them to life?

As I look ahead, I’m excited to continue this journey – both in my garden and in life – with an open heart and an eagerness to uncover the wonders that lie within every corner, even those we once considered ordinary or insignificant.

Remember, my fellow wanderers, change can be as beautiful as the most exotic bloom, if only we allow it to take root.

Share your own stories of transformation and growth in the comments below. Let’s cultivate inspiration together!

Edible Weed in Your Garden!!

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of going out to your garden and picking fresh produce to add to your meal. But what if I told you that some of the plants growing in your garden may actually be edible weeds? That’s right, those pesky little plants that you’ve been trying to get rid of might actually be a tasty addition to your next meal.

Before you start munching on every plant in your garden, it’s important to do some research and make sure that the weed you’re about to eat is actually safe and edible. Some common edible weeds that you might find in your garden include coatbuttons or tridax procumbens, purslane, and wild mustard.

Once you’ve identified an edible weed, the next step is to figure out how to prepare it. Dandelion leaves can be used in salads, while chickweed can be added to soups or stews. Purslane can be eaten fresh in your salad, sautéed with garlic and onions, and lamb’s quarters can be used in place of spinach in recipes.

Not only are edible weeds a tasty addition to your meals, but they also offer a variety of health benefits. Coatbuttons leaves are high in calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and selenium while purslane is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Wild mustard is cholesterol-free food. It is 25% protein and rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin B.

So the next time you’re out in your garden, take a closer look at the plants growing there. You might just discover a new and delicious addition to your meals, all while reaping the health benefits of these edible weeds.

Ceracau Malam

I just realised that I have hardly smiled and laughed here since I left Saudi. My grey hair emerged suddenly.. like A LOT! One day I looked up in the mirror and found lots of grey hair. I’ve been wondering what triggered them to turn grey all of sudden. Tonight in my silent night in my apartment, yesss I finally have my own space here. I realised I miss the talk with my friends, the laughs, or just random stuff like planning to go on trips with them. I thought I didn’t have a life back then in Saudi.. hmm.. turns out that I feel even worse here in my home country.

I’m tired of hearing people whining about how unfortunate they are with their financial conditions but at the same time, they also spend on unnecessary stuff. I’m tired of people worrying about things that are not essential to worry about. -Hahaha I knooow, you would say: “Are you even listening to yourself right now?”

Let’s turn this into a more grateful vibe.. 😊

I am thankful for my healthy body.

I am thankful for the freedom I have to decide what I want to do with my life!

I am thankful for new friends who have been supportive during my downtime

I am grateful for the love from family and friends

I am thankful for the beautiful weather today!

I am thankful for the faith I have in Allah for his abundant love
